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Arafat's World


Among all the creatures on Earth, human being is definitely superior. Writing a few lines or words about myself to introduce, I feel myself to be tiny part of this entire world that is filled with the human beings around. I am a human. I myself am humble, kind, caring and courageous. I am most respected, loved and responsible human being. Though, it is quite hard to write about yourself yet I have tried myself best to express all about myself.I am from a working class family, I am Mohammad Aarafat Hossain. I am simple, sweet, confident and cunning fellow. My father is a BUSINESSMAN who knows how to love his profession with passion and dedication. While my mother is a HOUSEWIFE.

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Became a web developer

I already learned the basic HTML and CSS. I can build any simple website. I can even teach my grandma how to make simple website. My goal is to build 3 websites and learn advanced topics.

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Full stack web developer

2024- Present |Pro Level Developer

I am the master of HTML, CSS and Javascript. I know everything needed to make a website function, efficient. I didn't stop with the web. I went beyond with most popular Javascript framework called Vue JS. I even know the deployment, server and security. I will give you 100% web solution.

Baby web developer

2022-2024 | Programming Hero Learner

They didn't offer me a job. But I made myself as a remove web developer. I made their website and showed it to them. They liked it. And uploaded the content. It was fun working at Programming Hero.